Monday, 12 September 2011


Time and again, without request or reason, messengers claiming to bring the latest and final message from divine sources, have been narrating the same story that all the old religions have got entwined in the web of superstition and have lost their pristine purity. The new religion that they have brought is unadulterated. It is as clear as crystal and as pure as nectar.

Astute Bahais are saying the same thing today. They affirm that no religion exists that can meet the demands of the twentieth century. The unparalleled religion of Bahaullah alone is capable of fulfilling mankind's needs today and will remain so permanently. These good people forget that followed and practised by educated and illiterate adherents of diverse mentalities and passing through the vicissitude of time, the plight of Bahaism will be the same.

Heralds of all religions have always said that they are the last and that no prophet will come after them. But ere their bones mingle with the dust, a new and even more powerful messenger arises and will continue to come.

Bahaullah came and he has gone. Innumerable such Bahaullahs will come and go, generation after generation.

The history of the religions of the world teaches the same lesson

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